
wild tiree

wild tiree

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


The Brown Shrike has continued to show on and off for the last couple of days although the weather has generally been foul. Jim Dickson came over from mainland Argyll to see it today. Almost the first bird he saw was a Yellow-browed Warbler at Balephuil Farm along with a couple of Blackcaps and a few Goldcrests. He then managed reasonable views of the shrike before it went missing for some time. Great views of Hen Harriers, Merlin and Sparrowhawk were had as well as hundreds of newly arrived Fieldfares and Redwings. Jim and I headed over to Hynish where I had seen a Black Redstart earlier in the day but we had no success. We then returned to Balephuil and quite soon after got excellent views of the shrike once more, with Jim managing this series of lovely shots.

Brown Shrike (Jim Dickson)
Brown Shrike (Jim Dickson)
Brown Shrike (Jim Dickson)
Brown Shrike (Jim Dickson)


John Bowler found a 1st-winter Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus at Balephuil, Tiree late on the 21st October. Brown Shrikes breed in northern Asia from Mongolia to Siberia and winter in South Asia, Myanmar and the Malay Peninsula. This is only the 11th record for Britain. There are five previous records for Scotland, all from Shetland bar the 2008 record on North Uist. 
On Sunday 22nd it showed very well for periods, but often disappeared for hours at a time. At lunchtime on Sunday John and I had fabulous views and he took the images shown below.

Brown Shrike (John Bowler)
Brown Shrike (John Bowler)
Brown Shrike (John Bowler)

Saturday, 8 October 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts recently. It's certainly not been due to a lack of birds as there have been a plethora of interesting records which are summarised below. No, the reason for the lack of activity has been our BIG MOVE!!! Yes, after a long wait the relocation to Tiree is now complete.
So, here's that promised summary of recent Tiree sightings, with as ever, many thanks to John Bowler for the information.
22nd Sept
Blyth's Reed Warbler and Common Rosefinch still at Balephuil.
24th Sept
Blyth's Reed Warbler and Common Rosefinch still at Balephuil. Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Sandaig.
25th Sept
Blyth's Reed Warbler still at Balephuil. Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Sandaig & juvenile Dotterel at Ruaig.
26th Sept
Blyth's Reed Warbler still at Balephuil and the juvenile Dotterel at Ruaig. At Sandaig there was a juvenile Baird's Sandpiper and a juvenile American Golden Plover.
27th Sept
The juvenile Baird's Sandpiper and a Pectoral Sandpiper were at Sandaig and another Pec at Barrapol.
28th Sept
Grey Phalarope off Soa
29th Sept
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Barrapol
30th Sept
Hoopoe at Balemartine and a new Common Rosefinch at Balephuil.
2nd October
Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Balinoe and a very late Corncrake at The Manse.
4th October
Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Barrapol and Slavonian Grebe at Hynish.
5th October
Morning seawatch off Aird produced 6 Sooty Shearwaters whilst in the afternoon a 2-hour session included a juvenile Sabine's Gull, 5 Leach's Petrels and 4 Sooty Shearwaters.
6th October
A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper was at Greenacres.
7th October
A juvenile Sabine's Gull was the highlight of a seawatch from Balevullin this morning and a juvenile American Golden Plover was found at Kilmoluaig.
Meanwhile, on Coll recent highlights have included a Yellow-browed Warbler, The Lodge, Arinagour on 26th Sept (my last days birding on the old island) and a Long-tailed Skua off Arinagour Pier on 4th Oct (Jim Dickson / Ross Ahmed).

Baird's Sandpiper, Sandaig 26th Sept (Jim Dickson)
Pectoral Sandpiper, Sandaig 24th Sept (Jim Dickson)

Blyth's Reed Warbler, Balephuil 26th Sept (John Bowler)
American Golden Plover, Kilmoluaig 7th Oct (John Bolwer)